Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life goes on...

Life in Malawi continues to amaze me!

I was able to do rounds this morning in the Pediatric ward at Nkhoma Hospital, after our hand burn contracture surgery was pushed back until Thursday. The hospital conditions here are absolutely astonishing. The Pediatrics ward had 85 patients today, in 10 beds, with 1 doctor, 1 clinical officer (the equivalent of a physician assistant in the US), 2 nurses, and 1 patient attendant (a nurse's assistant in the US). The medical treatment here makes me thankful for the services in the US. I wish everyone could see what it is like here, in order to better appreciate all that we are blessed with at home and in other developing countries. I was able to see a few interesting patients, when rounding and was able assist in a burn dressing change and a lumbar puncture of two pediatric patients.

The child with the burn dressing change was a young girl, about 2 years old, who had been burned when her mother spilled a pot of boiling water on her face, stomach, and knee. The burns were second degree and should heal within the week with the use of Silvadine and regular dressing changes.

The child with the lumbar puncture was an 8 year old girl suspected of having contracted meningitis. The child previously presented with otitis media (ear infection) and now is presenting with a stiff neck and confusion. A lumbar puncture was drawn in order to determine if the child had an infection present in her Cerebral Spinal Fluid.

Tomorrow I will be going to the Nkhoma Orphanage Project to share the burn prevention books with the children there.

1 comment:

  1. Tracy! I am so glad to hear that you are doing fabulous in Africa! The whole fam misses you greatly! Tess was talking about you the other day and how you come right into the house and make yourself at home eating all of our food! :) We've been swimming a lot with our little cousin Rex! We have tons of adorable pictures to share, as I'm sure you do as well! Katie and Robin are getting ready to graduate a week from tomorrow and I cant even believe it!! We've been making a lot of fun little bracelets and anklets so Im sure there will be a few of those waiting around the house for you when you return! As well as a fun little (late) birthday party! Stay safe and cant wait to hear all about your adventure!

    Love, Cass :)
