Sunday, May 30, 2010

The "Real" Malawi

After getting settled in at the Nkhoma Hospital Guesthouse and getting a tour of both the Nkhoma Hospital and the Nkhoma village, I am beginning to get settled here in Malawi. I went to the market on Saturday and was overwhelmed by the selling of food, cloth, clothing, and other trinkets by the Malawians there.

Last night I stayed overnight in a village, in what the natives call the "real" Malawi. I was lucky enough to spend the night with Elisabeth, a housekeeper in Nkhoma, and her family in their mud hut in her village. Elisabeth showed me her village, and I was able to take lots of pictures and meet lots of the natives. This is a photo of Elisabeth's house, in the village, where I stayed. I had a traditional dinner in her hut with her family, and played with the children outside. We then read them a book about Burn Prevention, and had a question and answer session with the kids. In the morning we had bread and tea for breakfast, and some kind boys walked me back to the guesthouse, where I will be staying.

This is a photo of me, sitting in front of Elizabeth's house with a few of the children I read to. The kids in Malawi are all absolutely incredible and they thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the magical rabbit, Luka, and the children, Precious and Manny, in their quest to be safe around fires.

I have been greatly humbled by the little that the Malawians have, and yet they still remain positive and happy all of the time. They are some of the the friendliest people I have ever met and, despite the language barrier, are quick to say "Hello, how are you" to anyone who passes by.

I'm having a wonderful stay in Nkhoma so far, and will start work with Jenn in the hospitals and be going into schools this week to teach them about burn prevention!
Talk to you soon!
Thanks for reading!!

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