Friday, May 21, 2010

T-minus 5 days!

Finals are finished! School's out for the summer! Vacation time is finally here! I have enjoyed a wonderful beach vacation with some of my very best friends! I am so thankful for this week we spent together. I am rested and ready for my next adventure: my 21st birthday.

T-minus 3 days - Monday, May 24th 12:01am - I am 21! Eeeek! Finally, after all these years, the last birthday that marks legal eligibility... and I will be legal to consume alcoholic beverages!

T-minus 5 days - Wednesday, May 26th 11:15am - My flight leaves from JFK on the adventure of a lifetime - my journey to volunteer in Malawi!

I have much to do in the next 5 days in preparation for my amazing trip. I am both excited and nervous and cannot wait for this new adventure to unfold.

Stay tuned for updates, (as often as possible) pictures, and stories from Africa!

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