Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where the heck is Malawi?

Malawi, you say.
Where the heck is Malawi?
In Africa!
Malawi is a landlocked country in southeast Africa. Officially the Republic of Malawi, Malawi is a country with a population of 15,028,757 people. The official language is English, although Chichewa is a recognized regional language, and the language of most of the native people. The currency is Kawacha, with a current exchange ratio of 1 US Dollar: 140 Kawacha.
The Climate of Malawi is hot in the low-lying areas in the south of the country, and temperate in the northern highlands. November to April brings warm temperatures with equatorial rain and thunderstorms. May to September bring almost no rainfall and is deemed the "dry season"
These are a few brief tidbits about where and what Malawi is. For more information, to see pictures, and to do further research on Malawi see the following websites:
The ever-trusty Wikipedia:
Or CIA World Factbook:

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